In Social Media

The use of social media networks for buying and sharing is on the rise. By now, at least to some degree, many brands have caught on and tapped into social media marketing. They know that their presence is necessary, and with a little effort, a promotion could generate some short-term sales. But are they capitalizing on its full profit potential?

These days, it’s not only about who you know—it’s about who knows them. One simple click of the “Like” button or fast-fingered Retweet can launch a chain reaction. An informed customer can lead to another loyal fan for life. And another. And another. Let’s break down basic ways you can produce a well-crafted social media campaign that results in the ultimate goal: skyrocketing revenue with no sign of stopping.

1. Create buzzworthy content.

When they see something good, people rarely want to keep it to themselves. So when your update, email or blog is worth sharing, your audience is more likely to pass it along. Keep messaging consistently on brand as well as easy to find and read. Also, avoid making every communiqué a sales pitch. Enrich your marketing with fun and informative content that kindles enthusiasm for your brand.

2. Integrate, integrate, integrate.

Don’t rely solely on your website or even Facebook. Your customers aren’t all in one place, and neither should you be. Represent your brand on all the major social media apps. For maximum impact, capitalize on the different strengths of each with cohesive campaigns that talk to each other. Cross-promote everywhere, from profiles to blog posts to emails, so your followers can choose how and where they want to jump into the conversation.

3. Encourage your network to work for you.

Word-of-mouth marketing is free and fabulous. Since most people seek advice and recommendations from friends, it follows that referrals from their social circle are likely to breed qualified interest. It goes like this…Post or send content to your existing fan base. Expect many of them to share it with a few—maybe all—of their friends. Watch the social signals fly and conversion rates soar across all social media apps. Better yet, empower your virtual street team. Incentivize your audience to become brand advocates by offering up rewards for sharing content.

4. Listen in and engage.

It’s crucial to patrol your pages in order to preserve your brand reputation. But engaging your audience is also key. An easygoing, friendly approach invites your customers to interact with your brand on a whole new level. Show your appreciation, and respond to questions and criticism as soon as you can. Rather than feeling used as another prospective sale, your customer will feel like more of a friend having an honest-to-goodness conversation.

5. Verify Your ROI.

Methods you can use to measure social media ROI have evolved from the early days, so your success is less of a guessing game. Today, comprehensive analytics can substantiate your return on investment for social media marketing efforts. Remove any mystery by pinpointing the channels with the highest conversion rates and revenue potential. Then use this invaluable data to help plot lucrative future promotions.

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