In Trends

2022 in fireworksIf you’re only going to read a single trends blog this month, make sure it’s this one. Because we’re not just listing our educated prognostications—we’re deconstructing the five 2022 travel trends resorts and destinations should act on right now…

Responsible Roaming

More than ever before, today’s travelers are conscious about their impact on a destination and the world at large. According to’s 2022 Travel Predictions, 58% agree that it’s important for their trip to be beneficial to the local community and Accenture reports that a full 86% want to travel more sustainably.

Our take-action takeaways:

  • Resorts | Partner with reputable, neighboring businesses to provide guests with authentic experiences that also strengthen the local economy. Thinking globally, and be sure to tout sustainability practices on your website so travelers understand what green initiatives their vacation dollars are supporting.
  • Destinations | Guide visitors away from overly touristed sites by actively promoting lesser-known places.


For the longest time, it was enough to offer travelers a fitness room to work out and spa to wind down. With self-care increasingly becoming a priority for individuals across every demographic, the concept of wellness has, necessarily, evolved. The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) defines modern wellness as “the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.”

Our take-action takeaways:

  • Resorts | Offer guests a healthy dose of wellness experiences—but be sure to keep them on-brand and befitting your property’s sense of place.
  • Destinations | Push attractions and activities that exceed the typical outdoor adventure—think: things to do that boost the body, mind and spirit.

Going Big (But Not Necessarily Far)

Many wannabe wanderlusters tamped down dreams and pocketed savings by not vacationing over the last two years. Now their travel aspirations are loftier (to make up for missing out) and better-funded. For some, going big will translate to an exotic far-flung destination. For others, the thought of international travel is still a no-go, so it will mean spending and living larger domestically. Expedia refers to this movement as the GOAT (Greatest Of All Trips) mindset in their biggest travel trends.

Our take-action takeaways:

  • Resorts | This is the time to upsell! You need to get guests to think outside the room. Promote all the ways they can enhance their stay with dining reservations, recreational activities and other gratifying offerings that also happen to increase your .
  • Destinations | You don’t have to be a Bali or Orlando to offer travelers the “Greatest Of All Trips.” Be sure to shine a bright spotlight on your own wow factors.

Pandering to Pets

If there’s one thing to come out of the WFH era, it’s a stronger bond with the pets who were our constant companions for 18 months (or even more for those still working remotely). That can make for some serious separation anxiety—on both sides—when the humans take a trip. According to MARS Petcare, 59% of survey respondents who expect to resume travel want to bring their pets with sitting in packed suitcase

Our take-action takeaways:

  • Resorts | If you don’t already offer guestrooms that permit pets, you should definitely consider adding this as an option—along with providing personalized amenities for all those good doggies. Our STAY! award goes to Maine’s Inn by the Sea for their no-added-fees or big-breed-discrimination policies as well as the luxurious inclusions of their INNcredible Pets package.
  • Destinations | Start crafting itineraries that highlight pet-friendly stops so travelers know where they can stay, eat and play with Fido.

TikTok-able Trips

Let’s call this one a new twist on the previous trend of the ‘grammable getaway. The fact is that the social media cachet of a destination or resort continues to deliver an outsized impact on deciding where to go—especially with the new generation of TikTok travelers.

Our take-action takeaways:

  • Resorts | Remember these short videos are all about authenticity and self-expression, so carve out spaces that spark creativity.
  • Destinations | Create content about all of the inspiring places that will lure influencers and vloggers.
  • Both | User-generated content (UGC) is worth its weight in marketing gold—our clients know this is a drum we’ve been beating long before TikTok ever hit the social media scene.

We hope you found our perspective and take-action takeaways on these five 2022 travel trends helpful. To gain deeper insights and savvy strategies on how to leverage these trends to your advantage, reach out to Lynn Kaniper at 609.466.9187 ext. 117 or today.









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