In Email Marketing

Developing a database of live email addresses is one thing, but having those email addresses be of opt-in, actively interested customers is something totally different. These are the qualified leads actively interested in hearing more about your brand.

There are several ways we can collect email addresses by using existing marketing efforts:

Main Website Two-Stage Opt-In Form
Your main website is perhaps the largest acquisition source of email addresses within your overall marketing program. To take advantage of the traffic it receives, place an opt-in field on the homepage, preferably above the fold so users won’t need to scroll down to see it.

This opt-in field should have a short description of what users will receive by signing up for email and contain a box where they can enter their email address. Upon submission, users should be taken to a second screen, where they can enter even more personal information, like their name, street address, date of birth and telephone. These additional details can help with targeting more relevant messages to them.

Another execution of this strategy is to have a lightbox window appear over top of the homepage, requesting that the user enter his or her email address. This is currently a trend called “Acquisition to Welcome.” If the user decides to enter an email address, the entire page refreshes to the second-level opt-in page, where they can enter personal information. See examples above.

Facebook Email Collection
Develop a tab for users to click that takes them to a landing page where they can enter their email address and personal information. These pages are easy to create and work well within the Facebook interface.

Facebook Connect
Use this Facebook functionality to allow the user to subscribe to email. This tactic has two benefits:

  1. The user only needs to click the “Connect” button, instead of filling out form fields.
  2. The brand receives all of the personal information associated with that user’s Facebook profile (name, address, email, birthdate, etc.).

Acknowledge Email Acquisition Source
To gain users’ trust, it’s important to thank them for signing up and acknowledge where they opted into the list. Usually, users will sign up for email either online or at the point of sale––and then forget they did.

Twitter as an Acquisition Source
By Tweeting enticing calls to action with a link, like the example below, users are enabled to click to the landing page to enter their email address and other information.


Acquisition via Google
By using SEO/SEM marketing tactics, you can target users searching for your brand by allowing them to opt in right on the Google search results page.


Using Mobile to Acquire Email Addresses
With over 45% of users viewing the Internet on their mobile devices, it’s important to start creating mobile acquisition strategies. One tactic is to use mobile SMS to allow users to sign up for special offers and event alerts from your brand directly on their smartphones. These SMS messages can also contain a call to action that allows users to click to enter their email address.

QR Codes for Acquisition
By placing quick response (QR) codes on print advertising, the viewer can scan the print ad with a mobile device and be taken to a landing page. This page should be specific to the publication the viewer originated from, so there’s follow through, and then request entering a name and email address for further information.

Contact, and I’ll share more expert tips on email acquisition strategies and how Dana can guide your brand to success.

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